Welcome to it.
Hi friends, thanks so much for stopping by my little corner of the internet. Liz here, proud mom to an energetic 4-year-old girl, fabulous (you should say it about yourself too) wife to a truly hilarious and wonderful man, and a self-proclaimed coffee addict and gym enthusiast.
II started KMDC to bring people a genuinely helpful taste of real living, showcasing what it truly means to navigate our everyday lives. I am utilizing my diverse backgrounds in design and baking to provide you with some basic yet valuable Kool Mom tips and tricks, along with a curated selection of Amazon's finest finds, some classic comfy logo merchandise, and, of course, a little extra dose of ‘you got this’ motivation. Too often, we only see the Instagrammable side of life, and while that’s undeniably beautiful, it certainly isn’t always the reality we face daily.
A little more about me:
I must confess, I honestly don’t really read books (total shame on me), but I do find an immense amount of joy and laughter in watching some pretty cringy reality TV shows that are so bad they’re good. And yes, I’m a total sucker for true crime or any crime show, really—give me a good murder mystery, and I’m hooked! Baking was a delightful little hobby that I transformed into a flourishing business a few years back. Now that our daughter is off doing her big kid things and embarking on her very own exciting adventures, I’m thrilled to have the chance to revert back to baking as a fun hobby once again. I truly hope you will be able to put some of my tips and recipes to good, tasty use! Gardening has always been something that I genuinely enjoy, and after a lot of trial and error (and patience), along with a gardening mentor (thanks, L.S.), I finally figured out how to grow tomatoes and cucumbers that actually thrive and don’t rot from the inside out—yes, it’s absolutely possible! I love animals, every single one of them. I am just learning as I go, and it’s been quite a wild ride full of amusing mishaps and unexpected wins.